More from Pawhuska
Fourth of July in Pawhuska: Everything you need to know
The Fourth of July in Pawhuska provides a small-town Independence Day experience with a big dose of charm. Located in northeast Oklahoma in the heart of Osage County, Pawhuska (pop. 3700) offers a fantastic blend of activities, food, music, and fireworks for creating...
70+ things to do in Pawhuska after you’ve eaten at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile
Searching for things to do in Pawhuska, Oklahoma? Look no further. You've come to the right place. We're Steve and Ann Teget. In 2017, we stopped in Pawhuska for lunch at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile. We were intrigued by this unique place and a year later, we bought...
The perfect holiday getaway in Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Our Airbnb in Pawhuska called Postcard Place is decorated for Christmas, and we're excited to welcome guests again this holiday season. Click HERE to book on Airbnb today! With great shopping at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile and other local retail shops,...
Tips for your visit to The Pioneer Woman Mercantile
Planning a visit to The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, Okla.? We have a home in Pawhuska and have put together this list of tips to help you make the most of your visit. As local residents as well as Airbnb vacation rental owners, we’ve had lots of questions...
12 tips for The Pioneer Woman lodge tours
The Pioneer Woman lodge tours are a must-do when you visit Pawhuska, Okla. Ree Drummond and her husband, Ladd, generously open up their Oklahoma lodge on Drummond Ranch to visitors. You can drive 18 miles into the country to tour the lodge, which serves as a guest...
20+ best things to do outdoors in Pawhuska, Oklahoma
We've compiled this list of the 20 best things to do outdoors in Pawhuska, Okla. Whether you're in town to visit the Pioneer Woman's Mercantile, learn about the Osage Nation, or get a glimpse of a Hollywood movie in production, there's plenty to do outside. So if...
Why you should hike the Prairie Earth Trail near Pawhuska, Oklahoma
The Prairie Earth Trail system was a pleasant surprise that we found less than 20 miles from our home in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. The day after Christmas we found ourselves with a combination of free time and gorgeous weather. It was the kind of day that was so beautiful...
What’s new at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile this spring
Spring is in the air, and no place is that more true than The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, Okla. Ree Drummond and her team have embraced the season and have been busy at work to keep things fresh. Here’s a look at what’s new at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile...
An over-the-top Valentine’s weekend at The Pioneer Woman Boarding House
We had planned to spend Valentine's Day the way we have most years; cooking a nice meal together at home and splurging on one of our "really good" bottles of wine. We tabled those plans when The Pioneer Woman invited us to spend Valentine's weekend at her...
Amenities that will impress your Airbnb (or house) guests
As frequent travelers, we are constantly taking mental notes of amenities that impress us in hotels and Airbnbs. So when we opened up our home in Pawhuska, Okla., called Postcard Place through Airbnb, we wanted to include amenities that would impress our guests....
Our Airbnb in Pawhuska – Yes, we let strangers sleep in our bed
We opened our home and Airbnb in Pawhuska called Postcard Place in 2019 and have been welcoming guests from all over the country. And no, we're not too freaked out that total strangers are regularly sleeping in our bed. Honestly, we have really enjoyed having people...
12 touches that make The Pioneer Woman’s Boarding House one of the best boutique hotels in America
The Pioneer Woman's Boarding House in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, is booked solid and with good reason. It’s full of extra touches that make the eight-room boutique hotel one of the best in America. 1. Friendly staff Let’s face it, the open, welcoming, charming folks of...
Cooking paella with The Pioneer Woman’s friend, Hyacinth, and The Chef & The Dish
This post contains references to our experience with The Chef & The Dish. We may receive compensation when you click on links to its products. How I ended up cooking with The Pioneer Woman's friend, Hyacinth, is an interesting story. When we bought a home where...
Ree Drummond’s ice cream shop: An inside scoop
Here's the inside scoop on The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond's ice cream shop in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Since we now have a home just blocks from The Pioneer Woman Mercantile, we've been anxiously awaiting the opening of Ree's latest venture -- Charlie's Sweet Shop. We were...
An update on our Pawhuska house and a question for you
If you follow Postcard Jar on social media, you've heard us mention our Pawhuska house quite a bit lately. In between trips for our blog, appointments and our other responsibilities, we've been fixing up a house in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. We bought the house last summer,...
The Pioneer Woman Mercantile’s first-ever whole hog dinner
We were so thrilled (and honored) to be invited to The Pioneer Woman Mercantile's First Ever Whole Hog Dinner. If you just let the name of that meal sink in for a second, you'll realize the potential for an overload of pure deliciousness. A whole hog, prepared by Chef...
Meet the first person to stay in all eight rooms at The Pioneer Woman Boarding House
Angelia McDaniel recently became the first person to stay in all eight rooms at sold out The Pioneer Woman Boarding House in Pawhuska, Okla. That’s right. She’s slept in all eight Tempurpedic beds, walked through every two-door shower and bathed in every claw foot...
An inside look at the world famous Buckin’ Flamingo
With a name like the world famous Buckin' Flamingo and a mooing yellow truck with Conestoga wagon cover pulling a saddled flamingo out front, there is only one way to satisfy your curiosity about this unique store. You simply must step inside. Our first visit to the...
Eight trips to The Pioneer Woman Mercantile and we finally met the star of Pawhuska
Pawhuska, Oklahoma, has been home to several famous people. An Academy Award-winning actor, world-renowned bronze sculptors, and The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond, herself, have all called Pawhuska home. Still, none of these people may be as big a star as local legend...
A glimpse inside our new house (and life) in Pawhuska, Oklahoma
It was two weeks ago yesterday that we moved into our new house in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, and we are so excited to be here! We spent much of the first week unpacking, getting utilities hooked up, and just finding our way around town. We brought a U-Haul full of stuff...
A year after our first visit, we’re going home to Pawhuska, Oklahoma
Just more than a year after I quit my job as a middle school principal, we've made another big life choice. We bought a house in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. (No, we're not having a mid-life crisis, thanks for asking.) Regular readers of this blog know that we have absolutely...
8 things for men to do while their wives shop at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile, including a suggestion from Ladd Drummond, himself
Men, we've all been there, sitting in the man seat, holding bags and baskets of merchandise while our wives gleefully continue their shopping sprees. And I know that many of us, when faced with our wives' desire to go to the Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska,...
Places to stay in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, home of The Pioneer Woman
Yes, we've slept around Pawhuska, Oklahoma. All around. When Ann and I were married, we took vows to forsake all others and be faithful to one another. But we're not too shy to admit we enjoyed sleeping around Pawhuska. Now don't get too excited. It was just the two...
Claude and Kathy’s unexpected night at The Pioneer Woman’s Boarding House
If you like The Pioneer Woman, or have ever dreamed of spending a night at her new Boarding House in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, you have got to see this video. Now, here's how we met this adorable couple. Earlier this week, we made an impromptu...
The Pioneer Woman Boarding House hotel in Pawhuska, OK, is stunning!
We were at the right place at the right time this week when we rolled across the windy plains of Oklahoma into the small town of Pawhuska for the seventh time in nine months, excited to see if there was any progress on the Pioneer Woman Boarding House. As you know by...
Wichita, Pawhuska, Tulsa, and Pittsburg: Our road trip through Kansas & Oklahoma
We are on the road again through Kansas and Oklahoma for a variety of reasons. Earlier this week, we headed back to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to look for apartments for our daughter, Meghan. She was recently accepted into the accelerated nursing program at Oklahoma University...
What I love most about The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, OK
It's Valentine's Day and that gets me thinking about all the things I love. My incredible family. Our fantastic church. The privilege of blogging about midlife travel. My electric mattress pad warmer. And yes, Edna Mae's pancakes at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile. I...
A parade, The Pioneer Woman Mercantile, and Pawhuska at Christmastime
Just after Thanksgiving, I received a text message from the Pawhuska (OK) Chamber of Commerce that said, "Kind of kidding, but if you Steve want to be in Pawhuska the first weekend in December, I have two judging spots left for the parade. We just miss you all!" It...
70+ things to do in Pawhuska [Part 2] after you’ve eaten at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile
Note: If you have not read #1-35 of the "70+ things to do in Pawhuska after visiting The Pioneer Woman Mercantile," click HERE first. 36. Get a refill on your pop at Handy’s If you’re working your way down this list, by now your cup is dry and you still have many more...
Our moms loved The Pioneer Woman Mercantile but we couldn’t get them on that swinging bridge
Both my mom and my mother-in-law are big fans of Ree Drummond and The Pioneer Woman cooking show on Food Network. We'd been to Ree's new Mercantile store and restaurant in Pawhuska twice this year, and when we returned home from our last trip, we could tell that both...
We brought our moms to Pawhuska!
That's right. It's only been a few weeks since we were in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, to judge the National Indian Taco Championships, but we're back in town, this time with our moms, Carol Johnstone and Gayle Teget. Having been to Pawhuska twice already this year, we got the...
The secret to that good Handy’s fountain pop in Pawhuska, Oklahoma
When we agreed to come to Pawhuska, Oklahoma, for the National Indian Taco Championship, we asked locals what we should do when we got to town. The first thing anyone told us was to go to Handy's to get a fountain pop because it's really good, and because they, "have...
5 things we learned judging the National Indian Taco Championships in Pawhuska
As you may have heard, earlier this month we were invited to be celebrity judges for the National Indian Taco Championships in Pawhuska, Oklahoma. We'd been invited by the Pawhuska Chamber of Commerce to join six others (who had much greater celebrity status than we...
Seven things that surprised us about The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond’s lodge
This post is about our visit to the Drummond family lodge where The Pioneer Woman shows are filmed. If you'd like to read about our tour of the Pioneer Woman Boarding House, click HERE. The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond and her husband, Ladd, have been opening up the...
I like big buns and I cannot lie
Let me cut to the chase. One of the main reasons people visit The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, Okla., is to eat. Sure, there are colorful serving bowls to admire, plates to purchase, and recipe books to thumb through. But for me (and I suspect many others)...
Six reasons to take your wife to The Pioneer Woman Mercantile
I had my doubts when Ann told me she wanted to visit The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, Okla. For me, I couldn't see how this would be time well spent. I envisioned a crowded store with mostly middle-aged women roaming around, oohing and aaahing at spatulas and...
Meg Kane keeps folks in line at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile
Within minutes of arriving at The Pioneer Woman Mercantile in Pawhuska, Oklahoma, a young woman with a cheerful smile and a gift for hospitality greeted us. Her name was Meg Kane. How Meg Kane got her job Meg’s job is to welcome visitors to The Merc and ensure they...
Our visit to The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond’s Mercantile
About 12 hours after Steve finished his last school board meeting and his ended his career as a middle school principal, we were on the road for a much-needed (and anticipated) vacation. First stop – Pawhuska, Oklahoma to visit The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond's...

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